

The educator builds his/her own skills in learning technology and develop attitudes that support continued growth.


The educator utilises a variety of resources and strategies to support their development in learning technology.

EMERGING – Reviews resources focused on the use of digital tools, completes training available at school, engages with coaches and colleagues.

EXPECTED – Identifies and engages with training resources available outside of school, reviews new digital tools and learning technology practices, attends learning technology conference sessions and/or online learning opportunities.

EXCEEDING – Develops and follows a personal professional learning plan in learning technology, trains colleagues on digital tools and learning technology practices, presents at events beyond school and/or online learning opportunities.

EXEMPLARY – Authors and promotes online resources focused on the effective use of technology for teaching and learning, leads online discussion groups, delivers online training courses, engages with experts on digital tools and the pedagogic impacts of learning technology.


The educator actively explores the possibilities technology has to offer for teaching and learning.

EMERGING –  Reads about learning technology practices, experiments with new digital tools.

EXPECTED –  Researches and curates developments in learning technology, attempts new approaches to improve learning with technology.

EXCEEDING –  Authors and shares developments in learning technology, develops new approaches to improve learning with technology.

EXEMPLARY – Develops learning technology digital tools, iteratively refines new approaches to improve learning with technology.

Reflecting on Impact

The educator thoughtfully assesses the impact of what has been learnt to make decisions on next steps.

EMERGING – Reflects on the effectiveness of one’s personal learning.

EXPECTED – Makes adaptations to their approaches based on their reflections.

EXCEEDING – Improves approaches through consistent iteration, shares reflections on the impacts of these revisions with colleagues.

EXEMPLARY – Clarifies reflections on learning through the creation of resources and/or documentation for others.

Digital Tools

The educator continually develops knowledge of digital tools and resources.

EMERGING – Uses digital tools provided by the school, completes tool-related training offered by the school, experiments with new tools.

EXPECTED – Keeps up to date with new learning technology tools, uses new and/or advanced features in tools.

EXCEEDING – Completes professional certifications in learning technology, champions features and uses of tools with colleagues.

EXEMPLARY – Becomes a certified trainer and/or ambassador in one or more digital tools, trains colleagues and others on advanced features of digital tools within a teaching and learning context.