The educator demonstrates attitudes and behaviors that lead others in the effective use of learning technology.
The educator advocates the exemplary use of learning technology through the promotion and sharing of good practice.
EMERGING – Shares the use of digital tools with students, endorses the value of learning technology with students and parents.
EXPECTED – Promotes learning technology in discussions with colleagues and parents, advises colleagues on the use of digital tools within the school.
EXCEEDING – Champions the value and usage of digital tools with the school community, documents learning technology practices and achievements of the school.
EXEMPLARY – Contributes to external organisations and publications to influence the effective use of learning technology.
The educator models the attitudes, behaviours, and practice of effective learning technology usage.
EMERGING – Explores school provided digital tools, seeks assistance from coaches and colleagues on using digital tools, uses digital tools in lessons with students, employs digital citizenship norms in online communications.
EXPECTED – Explores digital tools and resources beyond those provided by the school, shares challenges and accomplishments with colleagues, adapts teaching practice, engages coaches and colleagues in the pedagogic uses of learning technology, includes digital citizenship skills in instruction and interactions with students and parents.
EXCEEDING – Promotes digital tools to be used by the school, leads collaborations with colleagues, celebrates accomplishments by and with colleagues, partners with students to explore innovative uses of learning technology, promotes digital citizenship norms within the school community.
EXEMPLARY – Leads collaborations with organisations or individuals outside of the school, provides training and support for colleagues, documents learning technology practices for external audiences.
The educator provides support for others in the use of learning technology.
EMERGING – Encourages students and colleagues in the use of learning technology.
EXPECTED – Guides students, colleagues and parents in the use of learning technology.
EXCEEDING – Coaches students, colleagues, and parents in the use of learning technology within the school engages in learning technology support with organisations and individuals beyond the school.
EXEMPLARY – Leads the development of learning technology support structures within the school, contributes leadership and knowledge to individuals and organisations beyond the school.
The educator develops ideas and offers perspectives that contribute to the improved use of learning technology.
EMERGING – Discusses the effectiveness of learning technology in improving teaching and learning with colleagues.
EXPECTED – Participates in learning technology developments within the school.
EXCEEDING – Guides strategic planning in the use of learning technology within the school, contributes strategic ideas with organisations and individuals beyond the school.
EXEMPLARY – Leads strategic planning in the use of learning technology within the school, takes a leading role in developing strategies for improving the use of learning technology beyond the school.