The educators demonstrates positive code and conduct in all online interactions.
The educator uses the internet for research and makes appropriate judgements on sources.
EMERGING – Uses search engines to access information, evaluates the validity of information found online, combines information from multiple sources.
EXPECTED – Accesses multiple online resources for information beyond search engine results, utilises task appropriate search engines, evaluates the sources of information online, corroborates information between sources.
EXCEEDING – Employs advanced search techniques, maintains and updates a set of trusted online resources, validates information between multiple sources.
EXEMPLARY – Shares a set of trusted online resources with others, explains how search engines function to students and peers, reports on source and information credibility, draws conclusions based on divergent information.
The educator ensures digital ‘footprints’ reflect the characteristics of a professional educator.
EMERGING – Has an online professional presence, uses consistent language in digital communications, accesses online discussions and communities, remains positive in online interactions.
EXPECTED – Uses carefully selected images and usernames to represent themselves, separates personal and professional profiles, uses professional language and standards when online, contributes to online discussions and communities, is supportive in online interactions.
EXCEEDING – Has developed a consistent professional online profile, promotes appropriate online conduct amongst others, actively engages with online discussions and communities, is constructive in online interactions.
EXEMPLARY – Uses the professional profile to promote themselves and their ideas, leads online discussions and communities, challenges others’ inappropriate behavior.
The educator ensures the correct references to other people’s work and conduct all communications in a respectful and professional manner.
EMERGING – Communicates using school provided digital tools at appropriate times, cites the sources of materials used.
EXPECTED – Communicates using school conventions in a professional manner, abides by the permissions of resources they use and share, obtains consent from people included within media shared.
EXCEEDING – Chooses the most effective communications tool based on content and audience, cites sources using internationally recognised standards.
EXEMPLARY – Ensures documented permission for resources used and shared, helps others to communicate and reference at the highest standards, understands how to licence their own resources.
The educator maintains security in the use of learning technology and ensures the protection of privacy.
EMERGING – Personalises all passwords and keeps them safe, manages device and account access to data, demonstrates caution in interacting with resources.
EXPECTED – Uses strong account and device passwords, authenticates resources before sharing data, maintains security of devices and online systems.
EXCEEDING – Uses strong and unique passwords to protect data and devices, ensures only appropriate data is shared and protected, utilises applications and practices to minimize Internet related risks.
EXEMPLARY – Changes passwords regularly, monitors and controls personal identity online, maintains data security for all school data systems, helps others mitigate cybersecurity risks.